Showing posts with label SCRIPT TASK. Show all posts
Showing posts with label SCRIPT TASK. Show all posts

Sunday, 29 May 2022

Differentiate between Top-Down Design Approach and Bottom-Up Design Approach

 Below is the difference between them

Top-Down Design Approach

Bottom-Up Design Approach

Breaks the vast problem into smaller sub problems.

Solves the essential low-level problem and integrates them into a higher one.

Inherently architected- not a union of several data marts.

Inherently incremental; can schedule essential data marts first.

Single, central storage of information about the content.

Departmental information stored.

Centralized rules and control.

Departmental rules and control.

It includes redundant information.

Redundancy can be removed.

It may see quick results if implemented with repetitions.

Less risk of failure, favorable return on investment, and proof of techniques.

Read here: Top- down design approach

Read here: Bottom - Up design approach

Saturday, 21 May 2022

Implementation of slowly changing Dimension Type-0 The Passive method (Ignore updates) using SSIS

In previous post we saw that how to handle the SCD Type 0. In this post we will see how to load the data into the DimCustomer table and send the notification to the business for the manual intervention.

Read: Implementation of slowly changing Dimension Type-0 ThePassive method (Ignore updates) using SQL script in SQL server

In the table taking Execute SQL task and doing the insert & ignore records in DimCustomer and inserting the records into the audit table.

Taking Execute SQL Task and doing the configuration  

Below is the SQL Script

--Inserting the records in the Audit table if any changes in PAN_Num or Aadhar_Num

INSERT INTO audit_tbl



SELECT 'DimCustomer Load' AS App_Nm,

       'ID : ' + Cast(STG.cus_id AS VARCHAR(20))

       + ', Cus_Nm : ' + STG.cus_nm + ', PAN_Num : '

       + STG.pan_num + ', Aadhar_Num : '

       + STG.aadhar_num   AS Audit_Msg

FROM   dimcustomer_stg stg

       LEFT JOIN dimcustomer dim

              ON dim.cus_id = stg.cus_id

WHERE  dim.pan_num <> stg.pan_num

        OR dim.aadhar_num <> stg.aadhar_num;

 --Inserting the records in the DimCustomer table if any new records comes

INSERT INTO dimcustomer





SELECT STG.cus_id,




FROM   dimcustomer_stg stg

       LEFT JOIN dimcustomer dim

              ON dim.cus_id = stg.cus_id

WHERE  dim.dimcustomer_id IS NULL;


Now we are taking another Execute SQL task which stores the information about the Audit record and storing that in the Object variable. 

Now taking Script task to send the mail to the business.

Read: Process the non 0KB ( non Empty ) files and load thedata into database and filter the 0KB (Empty) files from the source Directoryand mail to business

Below C# code we are using to send the mail to the business.

public void Main()


            // TODO: Add your code here

            string smtpAddress = "";

            int portNumber = 587;

            bool enableSSL = true;

            string emailFromAddress = "***************"; //Sender Email Address

            string password = "*************"; //Sender Password

            string emailToAddress = "**************"; //Receiver Email Address

            string subject = "Request for PAN or Aadhar Number update for the Customer";

            string body = "Hello Admin, we have request to update the PAN or Aadhar number update for below Customer Please have a look.";

            DataTable dt = new DataTable();

            var oleDa = new OleDbDataAdapter();

            oleDa.Fill(dt, Dts.Variables["User::Audit_Rec"].Value);

            if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)


                using (MailMessage mail = new MailMessage())


                    mail.From = new MailAddress(emailFromAddress);


                    mail.Subject = subject;

                    mail.Body = body;

                    mail.IsBodyHtml = true;


                    mail.Body += " <html>";

                    mail.Body += "<body>";

                    mail.Body += "<table>";

                    mail.Body += "<tr>";

                    mail.Body += "<td>Customer details</td>";

                    mail.Body += "</tr>";

                    foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows)


                        mail.Body += "<tr>";

                        mail.Body += "<td>" + row.ItemArray[2].ToString() + "</td>";

                        mail.Body += "</tr>";


                    mail.Body += "</table>";


                    mail.Body += "Customer details are comma separated";

                    mail.Body += "</body>";

                    mail.Body += "</html>";

                    using (SmtpClient smtp = new SmtpClient(smtpAddress, portNumber))


                        smtp.Credentials = new NetworkCredential(emailFromAddress, password);

                        smtp.EnableSsl = enableSSL;





            Dts.TaskResult = (int)ScriptResults.Success;


Package looks like below 

Before running this package records in the table.  

Now running this package.  

Package executed successfully. See the records in the table.  

Also we are getting the mail for PAN and Aadhar update.  

Business will review this request and if needed then they will updated this records manually.

Saturday, 26 March 2022

Load (merge) all CSV files data into a single CSV file

We are getting n different CSV files with the same structure. Our requirement is to merge the all the CSV files into the one file.

Below are the files

We need to merge all these files into the single CSV file.

We are taking the Script task to merge theses files into the single CSV file.


Taking the below variables.


Now in script task we are writing the below code.

public void Main()


            string datetime = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss");



                string Scr_Files = Dts.Variables["User::Scr_Files"].Value.ToString();

                string Marge_File_Nm = Dts.Variables["User::Desc_File"].Value.ToString() + "\\" + "Marged_csv_File" + "_" + datetime + ".csv";


                int counter = 0;

                string[] fileEntries = Directory.GetFiles(Scr_Files);

                foreach (string fileName in fileEntries)


                       string line;

                       System.IO.StreamReader SourceFile = new System.IO.StreamReader(fileName);

                       StreamWriter sw = null;

                    sw = new StreamWriter(Marge_File_Nm, true);

                       int linecnt = 0;

                    while ((line = SourceFile.ReadLine()) != null)


                        //Write only the header from first file

                        if (counter == 0 && linecnt == 0)





                        //Write data records from flat files

                        if (linecnt != 0)









                    Dts.TaskResult = (int)ScriptResults.Success;


                Dts.TaskResult = (int)ScriptResults.Success;


             catch (Exception ex)


            Dts.Events.FireError(0, "Fire Error", "An error occurred: " + ex.Message.ToString(), "", 0);

            Dts.TaskResult = (int)ScriptResults.Failure;



Now our package is ready to run.

Below is the destination


Now we are running this package.


See the destination folder.


We get the expected result.

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