Tuesday, 20 December 2016

Find all the Tables who having a Primary Key

We have a database in that some of the tables have primary key. With the help of below we will get the list of tables.
SELECT T.name as 'Table with Primary Key',s.name as [Primary Key Name]
Inner Join sysobjects s ON
WHERE OBJECTPROPERTY(object_id,'TableHasPrimaryKey') = 1
AND t.type = 'U' and s.xtype='PK'
See the output
In my database [test] having only one table which has Primary key.
With the help of below script those do not have primary key
SELECT T.name as 'Table without Primary Key'
WHERE OBJECTPROPERTY(object_id,'TableHasPrimaryKey') = 0
AND t.type = 'U'
 See the output
Use below sql script to find the primary key column name
COL_NAME(ic.OBJECT_ID,ic.column_id) AS [Column Name],
 i.name AS [Primary key Name]
FROM sys.indexes AS i INNER JOIN
sys.index_columns AS ic ON i.OBJECT_ID = ic.OBJECT_ID
AND i.index_id = ic.index_id
WHERE i.is_primary_key = 1
See the output


Friday, 9 December 2016

Dr Edgar F. Codd rules of RDBMS

Rule 1: Information Rule
Rule 2: Guaranteed Access Rule
Rule 3: Systematic Treatment of NULL Values
Rule 4: Active Online Catalog
Rule 5: Comprehensive Data Sub-Language Rule
Rule 6: View Updating Rule
Rule 7: High-Level Insert, Update, and Delete Rule
Rule 8: Physical Data Independence
Rule 9: Logical Data Independence
Rule 10: Integrity Independence
Rule 11: Distribution Independence
Rule 12: Non-Subversion Rule

Format Function Sql Server

Suppose we want to convert date, Currency or Number with Culture, We used the convert function to do this in SQL Server 2008 and older version of SQL Server but in 2012 a new function introduced that is format function & it’s very useful to format the date and integer value.
Format () is one of the new built-in String Function introduced as a Part of Sql Server 2012. It returns the value formatted in the specified format using the optional culture parameter value. It is not a Sql Server native function instead it is .NET CLR dependent function.


Value to be formatted (Date, Currency or Number)
This parameter specifies the format in which the value will be formatted.
This parameter is optional. It specifies the culture in which the value is formatted. If it is not specified then the language of the current session is used.( US,Hind,tamil,UK etc)

Note: It will return the nvarchar.

In other word we can say that the function FORMAT () accepts 3 parameters. The first parameter is the VALUE parameter where you pass the date value or numeric value. The second parameter is the.NET Framework format string. The format parameter is case sensitive. "D" doesn’t mean the same as "d".  The third parameter is the culture. This can be any culture supported by the .NET Framework.

See the Example

Date Formatting

--Weekday date name, month name and the day with year
SELECTFORMAT(@date,'D','en-US')AS[Full Date];
--Display only the month name and date
SELECTFORMAT(@date,'m','en-US')AS[Moanth and Date];
--Display long date and time
--"tt" stands for two-letter representation of AM/PM and the result will be "AM" or "PM"
SELECTFORMAT(@date,'yyyy/MM/ddhh:mm:sstt','en-US')AS[Long Date and Time];
--Display the millionths of a second
SELECTFORMAT(@date,'h\:m\:ss\.ffffff','en-US')AS[Time with millionths os second];

See the Output
We can display the date and time with Culture. See below example
FORMAT(@date,'D','en-US')AS[US Culture Date],
FORMAT(@date,'D','en-IN')AS[Indian Culture Date],
FORMAT(@date,'D','hi-IN')AS[Date in Hindi],
FORMAT(@date,'D','ta-IN')AS[Date in Tamil]

FORMAT(@date,'D','zh-CN')AS[Date in China],
FORMAT(@date,'D','de')AS[Date in German],
FORMAT(@date,'D','ur')AS[Date in Urdu],
FORMAT(@date,'D','mr-IN')AS[Date in Marathi]
See the Output

Formatting with the NUMBERS

See the output
Here, we are getting the currency symbol ‘$’ because my current locale language setting is en-us. I could also display the currency ‘$’ explicitly by using the culture parameter as shown below.

Formatting with the Numbers

,FORMAT(@NUMBER,'0.00')as[with 2 decimal place]
,FORMAT(@NUMBER,'0.000')as[with 3 decimal place]
,FORMAT(@NUMBER,'##,##0.00')as[Formatted Result]
,FORMAT(@NUMBER,'0')as[No decimal]

See other example

DECLARE @MobileNumeber decimal(18,2)= 8888802459
Select @MobileNumeber as [Mobile Number]

Thursday, 1 December 2016

Remove Trailing Character from Number Column in sql server

Sometime in age or weight column we are getting values years or KM , we need to remove the character and  displace the numeric value and we will do the manipulation on that.
I am creating a table
                EmpNo int,
                Name varchar(50),
                EmpAddress varchar(100),
                Mobile varchar(10),
                EmpAge varchar(10),
                EmpHegiht varchar(10),
                Empweight varchar(10)
Now I am inserting some records.
INSERT INTO tblEmp VALUES (1,'Bagesh Kumar','Pune','888880XXXX','28 years','163 cm','78.5 kg')
INSERT INTO tblEmp VALUES (2,'Rajesh Kumar','Patna','888880XXXX','25 years','153 cm','68.5 kg')
INSERT INTO tblEmp VALUES (3,'Umesh Kumar','Chennai','888880XXXX','22 years','177 cm','88.5 kg')
INSERT INTO tblEmp VALUES (4,'Ganesh Kumar','Kanpur','888880XXXX','26','163 cm','50 kg')
INSERT INTO tblEmp VALUES (5,'Ajit Kumar','Mumbai','888880XXXX','20 years','173 cm','75')
See the table value
Use below sql script
                ,LEFT(EmpAge,DATALENGTH(EmpAge)-(PATINDEX('%[0-9]%',REVERSE(EmpAge))-1)) AS [Age in Numeric],
                LEFT(EmpHegiht,DATALENGTH(EmpHegiht)-(PATINDEX('%[0-9]%',REVERSE(EmpHegiht))-1)) AS [Height in Numeric],
                LEFT(Empweight,DATALENGTH(Empweight)-(PATINDEX('%[0-9]%',REVERSE(Empweight))-1)) AS [weight in Numeric]
FROM tblEmp
See the output


Returns the starting position of the first occurrence of a pattern in a specified expression, or zeros if the pattern is not found, on all valid text and character data types.

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