Monday, 27 December 2021

Send the n Different type of mail based on the product category name to respective product sellers

We have a requirement that we need to send the sales summary of the product on the respective sellers.

For the demo we are using the AdventureWorksDW Database.

We have product sales information.

SELECT pc.productcategorykey,

       pc.englishproductcategoryname AS Productcategoryname,

       Sum(f.unitprice)              AS TotalUnitPrice,

       Sum(f.extendedamount)         AS TotalExtendedAmount,

       Sum(f.unitpricediscountpct)   AS TotalUnitPriceDiscountPct,

       Sum(f.discountamount)         AS TotalDiscountAmount,

       Sum(f.productstandardcost)    AS TotalProductStandardCost,

       Sum(f.totalproductcost)       AS TotalProductCost,

       Sum(f.taxamt)                 AS TotalTaxAmt,

       Sum(f.freight)                AS TotalFreight,

       Sum(f.salesamount)            AS Totalsales

FROM   dimproductcategory pc

       INNER JOIN dimproductsubcategory Psc

               ON PC.productcategorykey = psc.productcategorykey

       INNER JOIN dimproduct p

               ON p.productsubcategorykey = pc.productcategorykey

       INNER JOIN factinternetsales f

               ON f.productkey = p.productkey

GROUP  BY pc.productcategorykey,



We need to send the mail to respective user.   

We have user table.  

We are mapping the product category key with user id and sending that sales summary.

Mail Subject is :  Product name sales Report .

In mail greetings

·         If there is one email id then

o   Hello user name

·         If there are two email id then

o   Hello User name1 & User name2

·         If more than 2 then

o   Hello Team

We are writing the query to get the email id with the product sales summery details.

SELECT Product_details.productcategorykey,













FROM   (SELECT pc.productcategorykey,

               pc.englishproductcategoryname AS Productcategoryname,

               Sum(f.unitprice)              AS TotalUnitPrice,

               Sum(f.extendedamount)         AS TotalExtendedAmount,

               Sum(f.unitpricediscountpct)   AS TotalUnitPriceDiscountPct,

               Sum(f.discountamount)         AS TotalDiscountAmount,

               Sum(f.productstandardcost)    AS TotalProductStandardCost,

               Sum(f.totalproductcost)       AS TotalProductCost,

               Sum(f.taxamt)                 AS TotalTaxAmt,

               Sum(f.freight)                AS TotalFreight,

               Sum(f.salesamount)            AS Totalsales

        FROM   dimproductcategory pc

               INNER JOIN dimproductsubcategory Psc

                       ON PC.productcategorykey = psc.productcategorykey

               INNER JOIN dimproduct p

                       ON p.productsubcategorykey = pc.productcategorykey

               INNER JOIN factinternetsales f

                       ON f.productkey = p.productkey

        GROUP  BY pc.productcategorykey,

                  pc.englishproductcategoryname) Product_details

       LEFT JOIN (SELECT t1.productcategorykey               AS


                         Stuff((SELECT ',' + t.username

                                FROM   usertbl AS t

                                WHERE  t.productcategorykey

                                       = t1.productcategorykey

                                ORDER  BY t.productcategorykey

                                FOR xml path('')), 1, 1, '') AS Username,

                         Stuff((SELECT ',' + t.useremailid

                                FROM   usertbl AS t

                                WHERE  t.productcategorykey

                                       = t1.productcategorykey

                                ORDER  BY t.productcategorykey

                                FOR xml path('')), 1, 1, '') AS Useremailid

                  FROM   usertbl t1

                  GROUP  BY t1.productcategorykey) email

              ON email.productcategorykey = Product_details.productcategorykey


Now we are designing the package.

Taking Execute SQL Task and running the above script and storing this result in the object variable.


Storing this result in the object variable.


Now taking the Script task to send the mail.


We are wring the below C# script to send the mail.

public void Main()



            DataTable dt = new DataTable();

            var oleDa = new OleDbDataAdapter();

            oleDa.Fill(dt, Dts.Variables["User::ProductDeatils"].Value);

            string smtpAddress = "";

            int portNumber = 587;

            bool enableSSL = true;

            string emailFromAddress = "***********"; //Sender Email Address

            string password = "*********"; //Sender Password


            foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows)





                    string emailToAddress = row.ItemArray[12].ToString(); //Receiver Email Address

                    string subject = row.ItemArray[1].ToString()+ " Sales Report";

                    string body = " ";

                    body = "Hello ";

                    string[] words = row.ItemArray[11].ToString().Split(',');

                    int i = words.Length;

                    if (i == 1)


                        body = body + row.ItemArray[11].ToString()+",";


                    else if (i == 2)



                        body = body + words[0].ToString() + " and " + words[1].ToString() + ",";




                        body = body + " Team,";



                    body = body + Environment.NewLine +Environment.NewLine+ row.ItemArray[1].ToString() + " Report deatil as below.";          



                    using (MailMessage mail = new MailMessage())


                        mail.From = new MailAddress(emailFromAddress);


                        mail.Subject = subject;

                        mail.Body = body;                                           


                        mail.IsBodyHtml = true;

                        mail.Body += " <html>";

                        mail.Body += "<body>";

                        mail.Body += "<table border=2>";

                        mail.Body += "<tr>";

                        mail.Body += "<td bgcolor=#00FFFF>Product category name</td><td bgcolor=#00FFFF>Total Unit Price</td>"+

                            "<td bgcolor =#00FFFF>Total Extended Amount</td><td bgcolor=#00FFFF>Total Unit Price Discount Pct</td>" +

                            "<td bgcolor =#00FFFF>Total Discount Amount</td><td bgcolor=#00FFFF>Total Product Standard Cost</td>" +

                            "<td bgcolor =#00FFFF>Total Product Cost</td><td bgcolor=#00FFFF>Total TaxAmt</td>"+

                            "<td bgcolor =#00FFFF>Total Freight</td><td bgcolor=#00FFFF>Tota lsales</td>";



                        mail.Body += "</tr>";                       

                        mail.Body += "<tr>";

                        mail.Body += "<td>" + row.ItemArray[1].ToString() + "</td>";

                        mail.Body += "<td>" + row.ItemArray[2].ToString() + "</td>";

                        mail.Body += "<td>" + row.ItemArray[3].ToString() + "</td>";

                        mail.Body += "<td>" + row.ItemArray[4].ToString() + "</td>";

                        mail.Body += "<td>" + row.ItemArray[5].ToString() + "</td>";

                        mail.Body += "<td>" + row.ItemArray[6].ToString() + "</td>";

                        mail.Body += "<td>" + row.ItemArray[7].ToString() + "</td>";

                        mail.Body += "<td>" + row.ItemArray[8].ToString() + "</td>";

                        mail.Body += "<td>" + row.ItemArray[9].ToString() + "</td>";

                        mail.Body += "<td>" + row.ItemArray[10].ToString() + "</td>";


                        mail.Body += "</tr>";                      

                        mail.Body += "</table>";

                        mail.Body += "<br/><br/>";

                        mail.Body += "Thank and Regards,<br/>";

                        mail.Body += "DWH Load Team <br/>";

                        mail.Body += "XYZ</body>";

                        mail.Body += "</html>";


                        using (SmtpClient smtp = new SmtpClient(smtpAddress, portNumber))


                            smtp.Credentials = new NetworkCredential(emailFromAddress, password);

                            smtp.EnableSsl = enableSSL;






                catch (Exception ex)


             Dts.Events.FireError(0, "Fire Error", "An error occurred: " + ex.Message.ToString(), "", 0);

                    Dts.TaskResult = (int)ScriptResults.Failure;




            Dts.TaskResult = (int)ScriptResults.Success;


 Now Package is ready to run.   

Running the package now.

Clothing Sales Report. 

Other user mail box   

Other user mail 

Other user 

Get the expected result.

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