Sunday, 29 May 2022

Surrogate Key in data ware house

In the data ware house we generally we are hearing about surrogate key when we are implementing the SDC Type -2. A Surrogate Key in SQL Server is a unique identifier for each row in the table. It is just a key. Using this key we can identify a unique row. There is no business meaning for Surrogate Keys. A Surrogate Key is just a unique identifier for each row and it may use as a Primary Key. There is only requirement for a surrogate Primary Key, which is that each row must have a unique value for that column. A Surrogate Key is also known as an artificial key or identity key. It is unique value and it is generally generated by system.

For example:  see the table of SCD type 2 dimension

CREATE TABLE dimcustomer_scd_2


     dimcustomer_scd_2_id INT IDENTITY(1, 1) PRIMARY KEY,

     cus_id               INT,

     cus_nm               VARCHAR(50),

     cus_year             VARCHAR(10),

     cus_add              VARCHAR(500),

     start_date           DATE,

     end_date             DATE



dimcustomer_scd_2_id  is the Surrogate key for this dimension table.

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