Wednesday, 23 November 2016

Calculating the running total in sql server

A running total is the summation of a sequence of numbers which is updated each time a new number is added to the sequence, by adding the value of the new number to the previous running total. See the example
Running total

Let’s see who calculate the running total in sql server with the help of query

We have a table Employee.
Create Table Employee
EmpID  int identity(1,1) primary key ,
EmpName varchar(50),
Gender varchar(10),
City        varchar(30),
Salary int
Creating the Employee table
Now I am inserting some records.
Insert Into Employee Values ('Bagesh',  'Male','pune',5000)
Insert Into Employee Values ('Kumar',   'Male','Chennai',4500)
Insert Into Employee Values ('Prema',   'Female','Pune',                5500)
Insert Into Employee Values ('Fatima',   'Female','Mumbai',4000)
Insert Into Employee Values ('Ajit',          'Male','Patna',3500)
Insert Into Employee Values ('Mala',       'Female','patna',5000)
Insert Into Employee Values ('Manish',  'Male','pune',6500)
Insert Into Employee Values ('Kajal',       'Female','chennai',7000)
Insert Into Employee Values ('Mohan',  'Male','Mumbai',5500)
Insert Into Employee Values ('Vikash',   'Male','pune',5000)
Insert Into Employee Values ('Sonam',   'Female','Mumbai',15000)

See the table
There are multiple way to find the running total.

Using OVER clause

SELECT EmpId,EmpName, Gender, Salary,
SUM(Salary) OVER (ORDER BY EmpID) AS [Running Total]
FROM Employee
See the Output.
Suppose we want to find the running total according to the Gender use below sql script.
select empid,empname, gender, salary,
sum(salary) over (partition by gender order by empid)
as [Running Total]
from employee

See the output
Suppose we want to find the running total city wise we need to use below sql script
select empid,empname, gender, salary,City,
sum(salary) over (partition by City order by empid)
as [Running Total]
from employee

Using sub query

Second way to finding the Calculating the running sum
select e.empid,e.empname, e.gender, e.City,e.salary,
(select sum(e1.Salary) from employee e1 where e1.EmpID<=e.EmpID)
as [Running Total]
from employee e
order by e.EmpID

See the output

Using Inner join

 We also get the running total
                e.empid,e.empname, e.gender,,e.salary,
                [running total] = sum(e1.salary)
                employee as e
inner join
                employee as e1
                on e1.empid<= e.empid
group by e.empid,e.empname, e.gender,,e.salary
order by e.empid


Suppose if any value in salary is NULL then if we use above sql query they will return the NULL value. With the help of below sql query we will get the correct running total.
                e.empid,e.empname, e.gender,,e.salary,
                [running total] = e.salary + coalesce(
                                select sum(e1.salary)
                                                from employee as e1
                                                where e1.empid < e.empid), 0
from employee as e
order by e.empid

See the output

Hope this will be helpful J

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