Friday 28 December 2018

Comparison Flags column in Fuzzy Grouping in SSIS Package

Here we can set the comparison flag for the matching word.
Below are the flags
At a time we can select multiple flags based on our requirement.

Ignore case

 If we check mark this option then Fuzzy Grouping will ignore the case. BAGESH and Bagesh or bagesh all are treated as same. If we uncheck this flag then, in this case, all three treated as three different words.

Ignore kana type

Specifies whether the comparison distinguishes between the two types of Japanese kana characters: hiragana and katakana. If this option is set, the string comparison ignores kana type.

Ignore non spacing characters

Specifies whether the comparison distinguishes between spacing characters and diacritics. If this option is set, the comparison ignores diacritics. For example, "å" is equal to "a".

Ignore character width

Specifies whether the comparison distinguishes between a single-byte character and the same character when it is represented as a double-byte character. If this option is set, the string comparison treats single-byte and double-byte representations of the same character as identical.

Ignore symbols

If we check mark this option then Fuzzy Grouping will ignore the difference between the letters and symbols (white spaces, punctuations, currency symbols, and mathematical symbols). For example, Bagesh** is treated the same as Bagesh

Sort punctuation as symbols

If we check mark this option then Fuzzy Grouping will all the punctuation symbols (except apostrophe and hyphen) write before the letters. For example.Bagesh will sort before the Bagesh

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