Thursday 25 December 2014

Maintenance Cleanup Task

The Maintenance Cleanup task removes files related to maintenance plans, including database backup files and reports created by maintenance plans. By using the Maintenance Cleanup task, a package can remove the backup files or maintenance plan reports on the specified server. The Maintenance Cleanup task includes an option to remove a specific file or remove a group of files in a folder. Optionally you can specify the extension of the files to delete. When you configure the Maintenance Cleanup task to remove backup files, the default file name extension is .bak. For report files, the default file name extension is .txt . You can update the extensions to suit your needs; the only limitation is that extensions must be less than 256 characters long.

Step by step Maintenance cleanup task

Take Maintenance cleanup task

Double click on maintenance cleanup task

Create new connection. Write the connection name and server name and select windows authentication. Click OK.

Select file type

If you want to delete the specific file select that file

Or you want to delete the all backup file from the folder and sub folder then select below option

Select the time period.

If you want to see the T-SQL then click on View T-SQL.

Click ok. Now execute the package.

Package executed successfully.

Backup file from the given location has been deleted successfully.

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