Friday 12 December 2014

File system task

File system task
Ø  The File system task performs on operation on files and directory in the file system.
Ø  For example: - using the file system task, a package can create, move or delete a file or a directory.
Ø  It also uses to set attributes on files and directories like hidden or read only.
Ø  The file system task operator on a single file or single directory. If you want to working with multiple files and directories you should need to take Foreach loop container and set the collection type to Foreach File enumerator.
Ø  We can perform following operation
o   Copy File
o   Copy Directory
o   Create Directory
o   Delete Directory
o   Delete  Directory content
o   Delete file
o   Move Directory
o   Move File
o   Rename Files
o   Set Attribute
Here I am try to copy a file

There are three things we need to see
1.       Source connection: - First of all you need to create source connection. You can create a connection by using variables or directly you can create a source connection.
2.       Operation: - As you see above I have discuss about files operation.
3.       Destination Connection:- you can create the destination connection.

Important Note:- in destination connection if you set False on Overwrite destination then if you are trying to run second time package it will be throw an error like  The file name XXXXXXX is already exist. So you can set true on overwrite destination .

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