Tuesday, 29 October 2019

DATALENGTH () function in sql server

It returns the number of bytes which are used or required to represent an expression.
See the below example

Keep in mind it will return the bytes which take to store this data. In the above example I used varchar so it returned 6 if we use name as nvarchar then see what it will return.

If expression return NULL value then it will return null.

It includes the trailing blank spaces while calculating the number of bytes used/required to represent an expression. See below example
declare @name varchar(50);
declare @name1 nvarchar(50);
set @name ='    Bagesh  ';
set @name1='    Bagesh  ';

select DATALENGTH(@name) as varchar_length,
       DATALENGTH(@name1) as Nvarchar_lenght


It support Text, NText and Image data type. See the below example.


LEN () function in sql server

This function is used to get the length of the string. It returns the number of characters in a variable. It also removes the trailing spaces and then returns the length.
See the example
declare @name varchar(50);
set @name='Bagesh';

select LEN(@name)
It will return 6

It excludes the trailing blank spaces while calculating the number of characters in the specified string.
See this example

Keep in mind: it excludes trailing black space only as we see above.
If the string is followed by blank spaces then it will be countable.

If we want to remove the blank spaces we need to use LTRIM() function after that we use the Len function to get the length of this string.

If the expression return NULL then LEN function will return NULL value.

If we want to return 0 if the expression return NULL then we need to use ISNULL function see below.

It will return the number of character only does not mean which data type we are using.
It does not support Text, NText and Image data type. See the below example.

Saturday, 26 October 2019

Sort the data based on the case sensitive (COLLATION)

SQL Server is, by default, case insensitive; however, it is possible to create a case-sensitive SQL Server database and even to make specific table columns case sensitive. The way to determine if a database or database object is to check its "COLLATION" property and look for "CI" or "CS" in the result.
  • CI = Case Insensitive
  • CS = Case Sensitive
We can check our sql server
It is case insensitive.
My requirement is to sort the data based on the case sensitive.
Let see below example
I am using “AdventureWorks2012” database and writing the below sql script

Normal sorting
SELECT p.Name, h.EndDate, h.ListPrice
FROM Production.Product p
INNER JOIN Production.ProductListPriceHistory h ON
p.ProductID = h.ProductID

“All-Purpose Bike Stand” is first record.
Now I am doing the sorting bases on the case sensitive (Capital and small letter)
SELECT p.Name, h.EndDate, h.ListPrice
FROM Production.Product p
INNER JOIN Production.ProductListPriceHistory h ON
p.ProductID = h.ProductID
ORDER BY p.Name COLLATE Latin1_General_BIN ASC


This sorting do first capital letter after that small.

Friday, 25 October 2019

Which is better to use IN clause or inner join with variable table

When we are using the IN clause, we experienced that it is taking too much time.
Read about IN clause in SQL server
For better performance, we need to avoid the IN clause. In place of in clause, we can use variable table.
Let’s see the demo.
 I have a table DimProduct_test in this we have approx. 4 million records.

Now we need to get the product details where ProductAlternateKey in
and Color in ('Black','Blue','Grey','Multi','Red','Silver'

Using IN clause

For the 77.5k records, it is taking approx. 7 seconds.
Now I am using variable table

It is taking approx. 4 seconds.
This is simple sql script. If we are working with high volume of data then we will see the execution time differences on both.

IN clause in sql

The SQL IN condition (sometimes called the IN operator or clause) allows us to easily test if an expression matches any value in a list of values. It is used to help reduce the need for multiple OR conditions in a SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE statement.
We can use a subquery in the IN condition
Let’s see the syntax
IN (v1,v2,v3,….vn) or IN (select C1 from t1)
See below example
I have a table DimProduct_test in this we have approx. 4 million records. Now we need to get the product details where ProductAlternateKey in

SElect * from DimProduct_Test
where ProductAlternateKey in

See the result

We can also use the not in IN clause
Not IN (v1,v2,v3,….vn) or Not IN (select C1 from t1)
See the example
Get the product details where ProductAlternateKey not in


Thursday, 24 October 2019

Insert Null Value in Unique column (Enforcing Uniqueness with NULL)

In a table ( Emp)  we have a unique column  PAN number. PAN Number is unique for every employee. Our requirement is that we need to insert null value those don’t have PAN number. All we know that in the unique column it allows only one null value.
See the demo
Creating the emp table with unique key index
                ID int IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
                E_name varchar(50) NULL,
                E_mobile varchar(10) NULL,
                E_add  varchar(50) NULL,
                PAN_Number     varchar(10)
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX UX_emp_PAN_Number ON emp (PAN_Number) ;

Table and index created successfully.

Now I am inserting some records in this table
Insert into emp (E_name,E_mobile,E_add,PAN_Number)values ('Bagesh','888880XXXX','Greater Noida','PAN123BAGI')
Insert into emp (E_name,E_mobile,E_add,PAN_Number)values ('Rajesh','888880AAAA','Noida','PAN123RAJE')
Insert into emp (E_name,E_mobile,E_add,PAN_Number)values ('Kumar','888880KKKK','Delhi','PAN123KUMA')
Insert into emp (E_name,E_mobile,E_add,PAN_Number)values ('Ravi','888880RRRR','Pune','PAN123RAVI')
Insert into emp (E_name,E_mobile,E_add)values ('Rakesh','888880RRRR','Pune')

See records in the table

Now I am inserting one more record which PAN number is null.
Insert into emp (E_name,E_mobile,E_add)values ('Mohan','888880MMMM','Pune')
Running this query

Oooo it does not allow us to insert another record.
But our business requirement is to allow these records in the table. To overcome this issue, when we are creating the unique key index we need to allows filtered indexes where the index is created only for a subset of the data in the table.
Now I am dropping the existing index.

Now I am creating the filtered indexes


Unique key index is created successfully. Now I am inserting above record.

Record inserted successfully with NULL value. See the records in the table.

Keep In Mind only it allow null value. If we try to insert some other duplicate Pan number it will not allow us to insert. See below

Hope this will help on such type of scenarios.
Thanks!  Keep reading!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, 23 October 2019

Conditional Aggregation in sql server

Sometimes we need to get the aggregation value of the column like get the number of a male and female employee or we need to get the average salary of the male and female employees. In this case, we can use CASE expression to get the expected result.
Let’s see this example.
I have an employee table and I want to get the count of the male and female employees.
declare @emp table
(emp_id int,
 emp_name varchar(100),
 gender char(1))

insert into @emp
select 1,'Bagesh','M' union all
select 2,'Kumar','M' union all
select 3,'Reshama','F' union all
select 4,'Naresh','M' union all
select 5,'Mahesh','M' union all
select 6,'Pari','F' union all
select 7,'Sonnam','F'
Here I am using the CASE Expression
sum(case when gender='M' then 1 else 0 end) as male_count,
sum(case when gender='F' then 1 else 0 end) as female_count
from @emp

Running this script
Hope this will help!

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