A translation is a representation of
the names of Analysis Services objects in a specific language.
Objects include measure groups, measures, dimensions, attributes,
hierarchies, KPIs, actions, and calculated members. Translations provide server
support for client applications that can support multiple languages.
Step by step applying translation on cube
I have created a cube.
Go to the translation section
Click on the new Translation.
Select the language and click ok.
Here you should need the write the measure mane in Hindi (I have
selected as Hindi language).
Save it and close the windows. Build the project and deploy
it. Now open the cube and go to the browse.
Similar we can apply translation on attributes. But one
thing we need to store that language value in table. Here I am taking example
of Adventure Works database. I am using product table for demo.
Click on Dimension and select Dim Product
Click on the translation section.
Click on the new translation.
Select the language. Here I am selecting language as Arabic and
click OK.
Click on that cell you will get the Attribute Data
Translation screen
Select translation column
Click ok
Save and close the window.
Build the project and deploy the project.
Now open the cube and go to the browse section select the
language as Arabic. Select the measure and dimensions you will get the
following type of output.