Saturday 20 July 2024

Joining Tables on Null able Columns

Is Null=Null. No, Null never equal to null because null values represent to unknown value so two unknown value will not be same. Let’s see below example

We have two table



     nm VARCHAR(50) NULL





     nm VARCHAR(50) NULL


--inserting the records into both table

insert into tbl1
values      ('Bagesh'),

insert into tbl2
values   (null),


 Let’s see if we are joining both table

select *
from   tbl1 t1
join tbl2 t2
on t1.nm = t2.nm;

select *
from   tbl1 t1
left join tbl2 t2
on t1.nm = t2.nm;

select *
from   tbl1 t1
right join tbl2 t2
on t1.nm = t2.nm; 

See the result below.

See in the above example null=null not evaluate. And in inner join it will return only matching records only. If we want to return the null value we need to replace null value with some other value using Isnull function or coalesce function. See the below example.

Read: Different ways to replace NULL valuein sql server

select *
from   tbl1 t1
join tbl2 t2
on Isnull(t1.nm, '99999') = Isnull(t2.nm, '99999')

select *
from   tbl1 t1
left join tbl2 t2
on Isnull(t1.nm, '99999') = Isnull(t2.nm, '99999')

select *
from   tbl1 t1
right join tbl2 t2
on Isnull(t1.nm, '99999') = Isnull(t2.nm, '99999') 

See the result

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