Thursday 2 April 2020

Annotations for Precedence Constraints (ShowAnnotation property in Precedence Constraints) in SSIS

Annotations in SSIS are a great tool to add notes, comments or other descriptive information to a package. Generally, we are adding this to the control flow, data flow, and event handlers. With the help of ShowAnnotation property in Precedence Constraints we can also add to our precedence constraints as well.

Below the given example, we have three expressions on Precedence Constraints. Seeing these we will not know the expression. Each precedence constraint references the value of a different variable in order for it to be allowed to proceed. It is a bit difficult to know the expression for all precedence constraints. It's a bit easier to see what the package is doing at a glance if the precedence constraint annotations are displayed.

For the displaying the precedence constraint annotations we need to set the ShowAnnotation properties on the precedence constraints.
Let’s see who we will set this.

ShowAnnotation properties we will get below options
Ø  AsNeeded
Ø  ConstraintName
Ø  ConstraintDescription
Ø  ConstraintOptions
Ø  Never
By default, the "ShowAnnotation" property on a precedence constraint is set to "AsNeeded". The canvas does show the Fx symbol which means there's an expression placed on the precedence constraint.
If we select this property the constraint name will be show.

By default constrain name will be like constrain n. we can change it.
If we select this property the constraint Description will be shown.

By default description is blank.
If we select this property the constraint expression will be shown.


It will disable annotations.


Hope this will help to package design and documentation.

1 comment:

  1. I really feel there is a need to provide some more information about SSIS and focus more on its utilities.

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