Sunday 12 June 2016

Error Handling in SQL Server

Like the programming languages(C# or java) in sql server for error handling we are using the Try catch.

Syntax of try catch block

 Begin try
--T-SQL statement blocks
End try
Begin Catch
--T-SQL statement blocks
End catch

Guideline for using try catch block

1.       A try block must be followed by catch block
If I use only try block its throws error

We try block must be followed by catch block

2.       Each try and catch block must be inside a single batch

It is throwing error because I am not writing the catch block inside the batch.
So it must be in a single batch

3.       Try catch block can be nested.
Begin try
                                Begin try
                                select * from [TestSSIS].[dbo].[emp]
                                End try
                                Begin Catch
                                --T-SQL statement blocks
                                End catch
End try
Begin Catch
                                Begin try
                                select * from [TestSSIS].[dbo].[emp]
                                End try
                                Begin Catch
                                --T-SQL statement blocks
                                End catch
End catch

Error Function

SQL Server supports the following functions for this purpose:
Ø  ERROR_NUMBER (): The number assigned to the error.
Ø  ERROR_LINE (): The line number inside the routine that caused the error.
Ø  ERROR_MESSAGE (): The error message text, which includes the values supplied for any substitutable parameters, such as times or object names.
Ø  ERROR_SEVERITY (): The error’s severity.
Ø  ERROR_STATE (): The error’s state number.
Ø  ERROR_PROCEDURE (): The name of the stored procedure or trigger that generated the error.

Begin try
select 10/0 As [Output]
End try
Begin Catch
                Select ERROR_LINE() AS [Error Line],
                                   ERROR_MESSAGE() As [Error Message],
                                   ERROR_NUMBER() As [Error Number],
                                   ERROR_PROCEDURE() AS [Procedure name],
                                   ERROR_SEVERITY() As [Severity Number],
                                   ERROR_STATE() AS [Error state]
End catch

In the given example error throws error because the divided by zero
Procedure name is NULL because here I am not using any procedure name. If we use Procedure or trigger then it will show the name of it.

Note: Try and catch can’t be used in a User defined function.

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