Tuesday 24 November 2015

Bulk Copy program (BCP) in sql server

With the help of Bulk copy program utility we can copies the data from an instance of Microsoft SQL Server to file in a user-specified format or file in a user-specified format to SQL server vice versa.
We can also export the data in flat files according to select query using queryout,
Let’s learn step by step how we use BCP.
There are two way to use BCP
Ø  Using command line
Ø  Using sql server
Syntax of BCP
BCP [Datebasename].[dbo].[TableName] OUT|IN|queryout [Destination where you want to store the flat file] [Arguments]
BCP test.dbo.Emp OUT D:\Emp.txt -T -c

OUT- when we are exporting data from sql server to flat file
IN- when we are Importing the data from the file to sql server
Queryout: using in T-Sql query

 [-S server name]  
server name      
  [-T trusted connection] 
trusted connection        
  [-d database name]
database name
  [-P password]
  [-c character type]     
Character type  
  [-o out file]            
Out File
  [-U username]           
User Name
  [-x generate xml format file]
XML file

(A). Export data with trusted connection

BCP test.dbo.Emp OUT D:\Emp.txt -T -c
Open the command prompt
Before running the command see in D drive nothing is there.

Now I am executing BCP command in command prompt

Press enter

See here 12 rows are copies. Now we can see the files

It is created on the desired location.
We can achieve same thing using sql query.
 XP_cmdshell – It returning the sql row set.
Syntax is below.
exec Test..xp_cmdshell 'BCP test.dbo.Emp OUT D:\EmpDB.txt -T -c'

Now see in the D drive

(B) Export data in mix mode authentication with password

BCP test.dbo.Emp OUT D:\EmpMixMode.txt -c -Usa -SBagesh-PC –P******


(C) Import Data from file to sql server with trusted connection

We must have the same definition of the table in which we want to export it.
--Definition  of Emp table
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Emp](
      [EmpID] [nchar](10) NOT NULL,
      [EmpName] [nchar](50) NULL,
      [EmpAdd] [nchar](100) NULL,
      [Salary] [int] NULL)
--Definition  of Emp table
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Emp1](
      [EmpID] [nchar](10) NOT NULL,
      [EmpName] [nchar](50) NULL,
      [EmpAdd] [nchar](100) NULL,
      [Salary] [int] NULL )
Now we can Import data from file to sql server.

See the value in table

Using T-sql
exec test..xp_cmdshell 'BCP test.dbo.Emp1 In D:\Emp.txt -T -c'



(D) Export data from sql server to file based on select statement

Using cmd prompt
BCP "select EmpName,EmpAdd from test.dbo.Emp" queryout D:\Empselect.txt -T -c


Output file 

Using T-sql
exec test..xp_cmdshell 'BCP "select EmpName,EmpAdd from test.dbo.Emp" queryout D:\Empselect.txt -T -c'


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