Monday 7 October 2019

Using one Temp table in more than two task in SSIS package

When we are working on the complex SQL script (in Execute SQL task) sometimes we need to use the temp table. I mean this table is very useful when we need to store and manipulate an interim result set during ETL or other data processing operations.
Sometimes we need to create a temp table in one execute SQL task and we need to use this on another execute SQL task.

Let’s see this demo

In this execute SQL task I am creating the temp table

In the execute SQL task

In this task, I am selecting the data from the temp table.

Now I am running this package.
It failed.

See the error

[Execute SQL Task] Error: Executing the query "select * from #temp" failed with the following error: "Invalid object name '#temp'.". Possible failure reasons: Problems with the query, "ResultSet" property not set correctly, parameters not set correctly, or connection not established correctly.

About Connection manager:
Each time a connection manager is used by an SSIS component, a new connection is created. If we set RetainSameConnection to true, we tell the connection manager to create only one connection and hold on to it as long as the package runs. This prevents temporary tables or transaction to be dropped.
To overcome this issue we need to set below two property
  •        RetainSameConnection
  •         Delay Validation 

To true

Now I am setting both properties on both SQL execute task
Keep in mind: RetainSameConnection property is available on Connection manager property.

Now I am running this package.

Now we get the expected result.
See the execution log

Enjoy the reading.

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