In complex query we are using some dynamic SQL script. To execute the Dynamic Sql script we are using Sp_executesql command. Some time we need to store the result of the executed SQL script and we are using this value on the other place.
Let’s see the example.
Suppose we want to store the single value we use the Output clause.
In the below example we are setting the current date.
(getdate(), ''dd/MM/yyyy '') ' EXEC SP_EXECUTESQL @SQL_Query, N'@Date NVARCHAR(1000) OUTPUT', @Date = @Date OUTPUT SELECT @Date AS Today_Date |
Below is the output.
If we want to store the data in the date in
this case, we need to create the Temp table or variable table to store the
Let’s see the example.
In this example we are pulling the data
from the table (Address
here we are using AdventureWorks2019) and storing the data into the temp
CREATE TABLE #Address( AddressID int, AddressLine1
nvarchar (60) NOT NULL, AddressLine2 nvarchar (60) NULL, City nvarchar (30) NOT NULL, StateProvinceID
int NOT NULL, PostalCode nvarchar (15) NOT NULL, SpatialLocation
geography NULL ) ,AddressLine1 ,AddressLine2 ,City ,StateProvinceID ,PostalCode ,SpatialLocation FROM Person.Address' |