We can call the API in SSIS Package in multiple ways.
Using Execute Sql Task
Using Script task
We are taking execute sql task.
Creating the oledb connection and writing the below script.
@status int DECLARE
@responseText as table(responseText nvarchar(max)) DECLARE
@res as Int; DECLARE
@url as nvarchar(max) = 'https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/posts' EXEC
sp_OACreate 'MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP', @res OUT EXEC
sp_OAMethod @res, 'open', NULL, 'GET',@url,'false' EXEC
sp_OAMethod @res, 'send' EXEC
sp_OAGetProperty @res, 'status', @status OUT INSERT
INTO @ResponseText (ResponseText) EXEC sp_OAGetProperty @res, 'responseText' BEGIN DECLARE @json NVARCHAR(MAX) =
(SELECT responseText FROM
@responseText) insert into Posts_details ( userID , Id , Post_title , Post_body ) SELECT userId, id, title, body FROM OPENJSON(@json) WITH ( userId NVARCHAR(30)
'$.userId', id NVARCHAR(50) '$.id', title NVARCHAR(50)
'$.title', body NVARCHAR(50) '$.body' ); END ELSE BEGIN DECLARE @ErroMsg NVARCHAR(30) = 'No data
found.'; Print @ErroMsg; END EXEC
sp_OADestroy @res |
Click Ok . Now the package is ready to run.
Records in the table.
Running the package now.
executed successfully.
See the records in the table.
Data loaded successfully.