Using this option compares the two xml files and we can generate the report which has the different value from source.
For this
operation we need to select the Operation Type as Diff.
Using this
operation we can compare two XML Documents. It use the first XML as Source and
compare with the one XML document which we have providing. In the output we
will get the Difference of the XML data.
Let’s this
We have
below file two files with the data
Taking XML Task and creating the connection.
selecting the DiffAlgorithma as Auto.
Setting FailOnDifference as false. If we
select True in this case if there is any difference in the XMl file in this
case package get failed.
We want to save the DiffGram so we are
setting this property as True.
When we set SaveDiffGram as true then
property will enable otherwise it is disable.
We need to
create the connection where we want to save the difference result.
We can save
the operation result.
This file is
having the information of the task operation. Like this task complete
successfully or not.
Here we need
to provide the second XML file which we want to compare.
Now our
package is ready to run.
Running this
See the
Got the different information in the file.
In operation
result file we will get the below information.
If there is
no any difference in this file in this case it will be true.
See the
below file.
Both file
have same information. Now running this package.
Diff result
we are not getting anything.
And operation result we are getting the below information.
In the diff
there are multiple options
Based on the
requirement we can set it.
Ignore Comments: by default the value
of this property is False. If we set a TRUE then it compares the comment of the
both XML file.
Any text
between <!-- and --> characters is considered as a
Ignore Namespaces: Please specify
whether we want to compare the namespace URI (uniform resource identifier) of
an element and its attribute names or not. If we set the value true then XML
element with the same local name are considered as identical. It ignores the
name space for the both files.
Ignore Prefixes: we need to specify whether we want to compare
the prefixes of element and attribute names or not. If we set this option to
true, two elements that have the same local name but a different prefix are
considered identical.
Ignore XML Declaration: we need to specify
whether we want to compare the XML declarations or not.
Ignore Order of Chile Element: It
Ignore the order of child element in the XML document. IF we set this property
as True then child element with the different position is considered to be
Ignore white Spaces: It controls the
white space while making compare.
Ignore processing Instruction: We
specify whether we want to compare the processing instructions or not.
Ignore DTD: we can specify whether we
want to compare the Document Type Declaration (DTD) or not.