Wednesday, 3 June 2020

Dynamic pivot with the sum columns wise in the sql server

In this demo, we will see how the get the sum of the all columns in the dynamic pivot.
Below is my requirement.

Business wants the total sales year wise.
In this demo, we will see how we will get this result.

First of all, we need to create a dynamic column for the sum.
SET @Row_sum_col =Replace(Replace(@columns,'[','sum(['),']','])')
It will return

In the dynamic query, we need to create a temp table the store the result set and finally, we need to use the union all to add the sum of each column.
See the below script.
DECLARE     @columns NVARCHAR(MAX) = '';
DECLARE     @sqlquery NVARCHAR(MAX) = '';
DECLARE     @Row_sum_col Nvarchar(MAx)='';
set          @columns=
(SELECT distinct ',' +
     QUOTENAME(year(orderdate) )
FROM    sales.SalesOrderHeader s
order by 1

SET @columns = Right(@columns, LEN(@columns) - 1);

SET @Row_sum_col =Replace(Replace(@columns,'[','sum(['),']','])')

set @sqlquery='
IF OBJECT_ID(''tempdb..#temp'') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #temp
select * into #temp from (
'+@columns+' from
 year(so.OrderDate) as sales_Year,st.Name,st.CountryRegionCode,st.[Group]
,so.SubTotal as Total_Sales
 FROM sales.SalesOrderHeader so
 join Sales.SalesTerritory st on st.TerritoryID=so.TerritoryID
 )  as sales
  FOR Sales_Year IN ('+@columns+')

select Name,CountryRegionCode,[Group],'+@columns+' from #temp
union all
select ''Total Sales''Name,null as CountryRegionCode,null as [Group],'+@Row_sum_col+' from #temp ;';

  -- execute the dynamic SQL
EXECUTE sp_executesql @sqlquery;

See the results


Get the expected result.

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