Sunday, 4 August 2019

ForceExecutionResult property in SSIS

SSIS has the ability to force a task execution result. With the help of ForceExecutionResult property, we can set the task executing result.

By default the ForceExecutionResult value is none. It means this value assign during the execution.
We can set the execution result forcefully by setting this property.
Let’s see the demo
Here I am taking a sequence container and in this container I am taking two execute sql task.

First execute sql task
In this task I have written an error sql script divide by zero.

2nd execute sql task

In this I have written correct sql query.

Running package with default property.

Running now

See the execution result


Now I am setting the ForceExecutionResult success for the execute sql task

Now running this package.

It’s completed successfully even though it has error.

When we connected both execute sql task with precedence constrain then we need to set the ForceExecutionResult property of execute sql task to “Success”.
Running with default value

In this case my 2nd execute sql task does not executed.
Now setting the value of execute sql task to ForceExecutionResult =”Success” then even execute sql task failed my 2nd execute sql task will execute.

Running this package.

Even the 1st execute sql task having error but here we are setting the forcefully result success.

When we set the ForceExecutionResult value is failure then even our correct task will fail.
See the 2nd execute sql task.

Running this package
Getting failed.

See the execution result.

Hope this will help to understand use of ForceExecutionResult property in SSIS package.

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