The maximum number of errors that can occur before a task
stops running. The default value of this property is 1. With the help of this
property, we can ignore our task failure n times. Remember that we can set this
property at package level as well as for each individual task.
Let’s see the demo
In this demo, we will see how Maximumerrorcount property is
working. I have a business rule that my execute SQL task fail 1 time then also
my package will not fail. If it fails the second time then my package will fail. I
am creating a package in that I am using for loop container to iterate the
Taking some variable which is using in this package.
For loop container setting
Loop will be executed until flag value is true.
Taking two execute SQL task.
In the task, I am using below SQL query
First time I am passing the value of n is 0. I am failing
this task forcefully the first time.
Second Execute SQL task working fine.
In this, I have written correct SQL query.
Now I am taking the script task for the variable control.
Below variable, I am setting using a script task.
of n is : " + Dts.Variables["User::n"].Value.ToString()
Environment.NewLine + "Value
of Result is : " + Dts.Variables["User::result"].Value.ToString()+
Environment.NewLine+ "Value of Eresult is :
" + Dts.Variables["User::Eresult"].Value.ToString());
if (int.Parse(Dts.Variables["User::n"].Value.ToString())>0)
= false;
= int.Parse(Dts.Variables["User::n"].Value.ToString())
+ 5;
Here I am connecting script task with OR precedence constraint
Read more about : Precedence Constraints in SSIS
Now my package is ready to run.
Running this package with default Maximumerrorcount
Running now
It failed.
See the error.
The error seems that "Divide by zero error encountered".
Now I am setting the property Maximumerrorcount property to
2. It means I am ignoring 1 time failure. I am setting this property on For
loop container.
Now running this package.
First iteration this EST with Error failed.
Now see the second iteration.
It’s completed successfully.
So with the help of Maximumerrorcount property, we can ignore
the n number of failure.