Thursday, 25 July 2019

Extract Data from the table into the CSV file in Chunks of 10000 using SSIS Package

We have a table and we need to extract the data from it, into the CSV file in chunks of 10000 records. Suppose we in the file if we have 50k records in this case 5 CSV file will be created.
Let’s see the demo.
Taking Execute SQL task   

With the help of this task, we will get the number of records in the table from which we are pulling the data. 
Taking result set as a
single row because it will return one row as count.
Storing this value into a variable.

Once we get the number of records we need to iterate and extract the records from the table and write it into the CSV files.
For iteration I am taking for loop container. Before it, I am taking some variables which are used in for loop container.

Now I am taking for loop container
Here I am iterating until and unless our flag is true.
In this container I am taking script task to variables assign
Below are the variables.       
In the script I am assigning these variables
int ck = int.Parse(Dts.Variables["User::chunks"].Value.ToString()) + 1; ;
            Dts.Variables["User::chunks"].Value = ck;
            Dts.Variables["User::n"].Value = int.Parse(Dts.Variables["User::number_of_row_in_file"].Value.ToString())+

            Dts.Variables["User::Number_of_records"].Value = int.Parse(Dts.Variables["User::Number_of_records"].Value.ToString())
                - int.Parse(Dts.Variables["User::number_of_row_in_file"].Value.ToString());

                Dts.Variables["User::Flag"].Value = true;
                Dts.Variables["User::Flag"].Value = false;
To pulling the records from the database I am using pagination concept. Here I am creating an SP in that I am setting the offset row values and next records.

In the above C# code I and setting the offset row and next records value which are pass in the next Execute SQL task to pull the data from the database.
SP code
 @PageNo INT,
 @RowCountPerPage INT
from FactInternetSales
order by SalesOrderNumber
OFFSET (@PageNo - 1) * @RowCountPerPage ROWS

Now I am taking Execute SQL task and calling this SP.                 
Creating a connection             
Here I am calling SP with Two parameter
Parameter 1 : Page number (User:: chunks – start from 1. it will be calculated based on the number of records in the table in the above script task)
Parameter 2: Row count per page (User::number_of_row_in_file -10000)         

Now we need to store this result set in the object. 

Once we get the result set we need to write these data into the CSV file.
For writing the data into CSV file I am using the script task.   
Variable we used                   

Below are the C# code to read the object variable and write it into the csv files.
string file_path = Dts.Variables["User::File_path"].Value.ToString() + Dts.Variables["User::chunks"].Value.ToString()+"_"+ DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss") + ".csv";

            using (StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(@file_path, true))
                OleDbDataAdapter A = new OleDbDataAdapter();
                System.Data.DataTable dt = new System.Data.DataTable();
                A.Fill(dt, Dts.Variables["User::DataSet"].Value);
                foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows)
                    object[] array = row.ItemArray;

                    string SalesOrderNumber;
                    string SalesAmount;
                    string UnitPrice;
                    string ExtendedAmount;
                    string TaxAmt;

                    SalesOrderNumber = array[0].ToString();
                    SalesAmount = array[1].ToString();
                    UnitPrice = array[2].ToString();
                    ExtendedAmount = array[3].ToString();

                    writer.WriteLine(SalesOrderNumber + "," + SalesAmount + "," + UnitPrice + "," + ExtendedAmount +","+ TaxAmt);

                writer.WriteLine("Number of records written into this file : " + dt.Rows.Count.ToString());
Build it and close C# window.
Now my package I ready to run.   

Before running this package. Records in the database.

And my chunk size is 10000. So it will create 7 files.
6*10000=60000 and 1 file having 398 records.
See the file destination folder.               
Now running this package.

Package executed successfully.
Now see the destination.

7 files created.
Number of records into file 1 to 6 are

And in the 7th file 398

Hope this will help to understand one use of the pagination.

Sunday, 14 July 2019

Write the data into the custom text file in SSIS

Hello friends, I am good hope you are also doing good. My friend Balaji working in the SSIS and he get the requirement to pull the data from the table and write it into the text file and after that we need to delete the records from the table.
The text file has the naming like Database_Name_Table_Name_Date_Time. This file has custom information like header, footer, and other information. The log file looks like below.    

Let’s see the demo
I am reading the data from the table and storing this data into the object variable.
Taking execute SQL task

Now I am creating the connection manager to connect the SQL server database

My SQL query is returning the multiple records so I am setting the Full result set and this result set I am storing into the object variable.
Mapping the result set with the object variable.

Now I am creating some variables which are used in the script task.

Now taking script task and passing these variables into it.
In the script task, I am writing the below code to create t custom text file and write the data into it.
public void Main()
            string file_path = Dts.Variables["User::File_path"].Value.ToString() + Dts.Variables["User::Database_name"].Value.ToString()
                +"_"+ Dts.Variables["User::Table_name"].Value.ToString()+"_"+ DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy_MM_dd_HH_mm_ss_fff")+".txt";
            using (StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(@file_path, true))
                writer.WriteLine("*****************Log generated on : "+ DateTime.Now.ToString() +"**************");
                writer.WriteLine(" Package Name :  " + Dts.Variables["System::PackageName"].Value.ToString());
                writer.WriteLine(" User Name :  " + Dts.Variables["System::MachineName"].Value.ToString());
                writer.WriteLine(" Database Name : " + Dts.Variables["User::Database_name"].Value.ToString());
                writer.WriteLine(" Table Name : " + Dts.Variables["User::Table_name"].Value.ToString());
                writer.WriteLine("***************** Start writing data into the file *****************");

                OleDbDataAdapter A = new OleDbDataAdapter();
                System.Data.DataTable dt = new System.Data.DataTable();
                A.Fill(dt, Dts.Variables["User::Var_dataset_obj"].Value);

                string s = null;
                s = dt.Rows.Count.ToString();
                foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows)
                    string ID;
                    string Product_Category;
                    string Product_Sub_Category_Name;
                    string Product_Name;
                    object[] array = row.ItemArray;

                    ID = array[0].ToString();
                    Product_Category = array[1].ToString();
                    Product_Sub_Category_Name = array[2].ToString();
                    Product_Name = array[3].ToString();
                    writer.WriteLine(ID +"\t\t"+Product_Category+"\t\t"+Product_Sub_Category_Name +"\t\t"+Product_Name);

                writer.WriteLine("Number of records written in this file :  " +s);
                writer.WriteLine("***************** End of the File *****************");

            Dts.TaskResult = (int)ScriptResults.Success;
Complete the code.
Now we need to take the execute SQL task to truncate the table.

The package is ready to run

Before running this package see the records in the table

And no file on the location

Now running this package

Package executed successfully.
Records in the table

See the file in the folder

Data in this file

We get the expected result.
Balaji hopes this will be helpful for you. Provide your feedback.

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